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We are here to support you.

Published by:
Published on:
March 23, 2020
Last modified:
July 23, 2021
Modoras Pty Ltd ABN 86 068 034 908
Client Support

With the impact of COVID-19 rapidly changing the Australian social, business and economic landscape, we are still here to support you. As the safety and well-being of the entire Modoras family (including you) is our main priority, we have already mobilized our team to work from home / in the office on a rotational basis. In the event that the majority of our team, or all of our staff are required to work from home, please be assured that our work from home practices are tried and tested, and we are confident we can provide continuity of service during this time.

Although we may be working from an alternative location at times, we are operating as business as usual, and are still here to help you. If you need to contact your Modoras Accountant or Planner, please continue to do so via email and/or phone.

If you have an appointment scheduled in the coming weeks and this appointment is yet to be offered via phone or video conference (Zoom / Skype), we will be in touch shortly.

We are consolidating this information and will email you soon with the details you need to know. If you have any questions regarding how these measures may affect you, please contact us on 1300 888 803.

We will be increasing our communication to you during these challenging times, please subscribe to our updates as we will be sharing valuable information.

Whilst many things remain uncertain – We are all in this together! Our thoughts are with you and your family. We hope you stay safe and well and please be assured that we are still here for you

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