Christmas Budget – Enjoy the Silly Season, But Don’t Go Silly

Christmas is a great time of year filled with fun, food and family. For many of us, it also means time away from work during which many stores push their tempting sales.
Read our top tips this seasons for enjoying this time of year:
1. ‘Tis the Seasons of Gifts
Having a clear idea of who you’re buying for and how much you’re willing to spend can provide clarity on just how much you may need to outlay. Having a clearer picture of your budget and not stepping outside it won’t see you overspend.
2. Christmas Clean
Use the holiday period to ‘spring clean’. A little bit of time spent clearing out things that are no longer needed around the house such as clothing, furniture, jewellery, and books could generate a little bit of extra cash when posted for sale online.
3. Supermarket Competition
Check competitor grocery stores for better deals. Making a list of what groceries you require for Christmas can assist you in taking advantage of the competitive grocery market by checking out specials ahead of time.
4. Keep Track of Spending
The New Year will be here before we know it, with all its new expenses. Make the time to track your expenditure from the start. Hold onto your receipts and keep a running total of your transactions. Write them on a piece of paper, use your smart phone, whatever works for you.
5. Sales
Take advantage of sales but don’t spend on what you weren’t going to buy in the first place. Keep an eye on social media advertisements and look out for Boxing Day sales but try not to be tempted into unnecessary spending, remembering your financial goals.
6. Charity
Help those less fortunate have a better Christmas. Donate clothes, household items, food or even your time to charity. It doesn’t cost a thing!
RELATED POST: Does the Holiday Season Have You Thinking Of Slowing Down?
There is no time like the present to get on top of your finances. Get in touch with us here to book in a complimentary consultation with a Modoras Executive Planner.
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