Practising Patience – Getting most out of your Super

From a young age we are taught about the importance of patience. And for many of us, it’s not an easy trait to master. But when it comes to super, patience is a virtue that we should practice from our early working life right through to when we’re drawing a pension from our retirement savings.
The reason we say this is because there have been many instances in share market history where we can learn for the future. Historical behaviours and outcomes can help to guide decision making and show us that sticking with a sound investment strategy can often be the best way to ride out the peaks and troughs that investing entails.
Increasing market volatility has raised some questions
It’s common behaviour when there is obvious volatility in the market, investors ask if they have the right investments and whether they should make a change to a lower risk option?
We talk a lot about market volatility and the importance of strategy in choosing the investment vehicle for your retirement funds. And when it comes to your super, it doesn’t matter whether you are still saving for your retirement or you are now accessing your super through a pension – it is still important to understand your investment strategy, how investments work, and what they mean for your financial future.
And most importantly, why making snap decisions primarily based on a market downturn are often not in the best interests of an investor. For pensioners, a decision like this could have serious implications for longer-term pension outcomes and they could face the risk of running out of money during retirement.
Low-risk assets may not be as defensive as you think
So, why shouldn’t you just put all your retirement savings in low-risk investments to save the discomfort of the highs and lows? Well, to put it simply, low-risk assets may look safe, but they can be at risk of not keeping up with inflation.
However, it should be noted that options within this defensive category should be considered depending on your current life stage and the contingencies that need to be considered for your personal circumstances. When we’re developing an investment strategy, we take all of these factors into account.
A market downturn isn’t always a cause for worry
We understand that market volatility is a concern for many. And yes, some asset classes present more risk than others. However, with a combination of determining your risk profile and considering your future goals, we endeavour to develop an investment strategy that allows you to sleep at night. When you have these kinds of plans in place, a downturn in the market doesn’t need to concern you.
Historical representations of the share market show that switching to lower risk assets at the point of a market downturn mean you miss out on a subsequent recovery in the market. This is where patience and trusting the strategy can help.
The right superannuation investment strategy will bring comfort
By using a financial planning professional and taking a considered approach to your investment strategy, it will allow you to feel comfortable through any downturns while still knowing you’re on your way to reaching your goals.
With market knowledge and experience, your advisor can keep track of your portfolio and make any adjustments as needed. A licensed advisor will always consider the effect of market downturns and plan for them as effectively as possible.
Depending on your circumstances, your advisor may look at a strategy that segments your investment which means income is available from other avenues, so you don’t need to sell down assets in a downturn. This is especially helpful when you are drawing a pension from your super.
At the end of the day, you will need to feel comfortable and Modoras Planners are always ready to explain the strategy that is being developed.
Stay on course
We will never commence an investment strategy you don’t feel comfortable with as it can be detrimental to change course during a period of negative returns. We listen to your concerns and discuss the reasoning for our advice.
And if you do get the confidence wobbles down the track, please seek advice before making decisions that may have a greater impact on your retirement savings than the short-term market movements you might be experiencing.
Make a time to come in for a coffee and a chat with our friendly and experienced Planners on 1300 888 803 and set sail for your retirement lifestyle potential.
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