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Ewan Van Zyl

Associate Director, Modoras Accounting Sydney

Modoras Accounting (SYD) Pty Ltd ABN 18 622 475 521

Corporate Photo Web Version 600x600Ewan Van Zyl
  • Member - Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
  • Member – Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Member – The Tax Institute
  • Master of Taxation – University of New South Wales
  • Diploma of Australian Taxation and Corporations Law – University of Sydney
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours in Accounting) - University of The Free State

“It isn’t the mountain that wears you out it’s the grain of sand in your shoe.”

Ewan’s experience spans over 15 years in a range of senior finance roles across a variety of sectors. Ewan has worked across a range of sectors including property development and construction, legal, insurance, and hospitality sectors.

Ewan’s expertise is in provision of business advisory and management consulting services, covering corporate structuring and restructuring and compliance support to medium-to-large private businesses and professional services firms. He specializes in developing and delivering strategic growth planning, financial management and risk minimization, and brings rich experience in coaching, mentoring and advising businesses on achieving their growth potential.

Following his early experience as a Chartered Accountant, Ewan developed an extensive consulting career with Deloitte Australia, before moving to an in-house in the highly competitive construction industry for eight years, working as CFO and GM of Finance and Risk for Growthbuilt.

Ewan has governance experience, sitting on many Boards across various industries to guide the growth and development of their businesses. Ewan has a practical, down-to-earth approach to problem-solving and a genuine passion to help businesses be the best they can be. 

Recent Relevant Project(s):

Grew revenue of the construction firm over 9 years through a property dip and Covid ~25x revenue

Make an appointment with Ewan in our Sydney office today to discover how our accounting team can make THE difference to your financial future.


Corporate Photo Web Version 600x600Ewan Van Zyl
  • Member - Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
  • Member – Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Member – The Tax Institute
  • Master of Taxation – University of New South Wales
  • Diploma of Australian Taxation and Corporations Law – University of Sydney
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours in Accounting) - University of The Free State