Share Market News: COVID 19 Update1

With all the media coverage of the Coronavirus and its impact on equity markets, it’s no wonder volatile conditions have returned.
The broad sell-off in recent days has been based on the levels of fear and uncertainty that has gripped the world markets. When these events occur, there is no discrimination in the type of stocks that get sold off. The good assets get sold along with the bad.
This is NOT a sell-up moment.
From the highs in mid-February to falls we have seen in recent days, short-term market movements indicate the behavioural response to fears of short to medium-term economic activity levels. Although the human knee-jerk reaction to negative economic news is nothing new, it is likely that there will be an eventual rebound in activity levels once the crisis is over and life returns to normal – with less fear and uncertainty.
What are the implications for investors?
Whilst markets will continue to fluctuate as new information becomes available, there will also be opportunities that arise from the current sell-off and certainly some asset classes that will continue to shine during this period. Of course, there will be some companies that are impacted more than others, i.e. tourism and travel companies versus toll roads or energy companies (infrastructure). In saying this, these tourism / travel companies have strong balance sheets that can assist them to ride out this wave.
The good news won’t be too far away
China is currently entering a period of containing the virus with Chinese employees now starting to go back to work. Goods are once again being shipped around the world. This coupled with current monetary policy of lowering rates, with bankers now looking to further reduce rates to stimulate the economy, will ultimately lead to cheaper money and the need to find assets that can provide a better return than nil interest bearing accounts.
This may come over the course of the year.
In conclusion, this event is not the next GFC as there is no structural impact to economies as such at this stage. As stated above, life will return to normal and markets will continue their roller-coaster journey – as they always have.
Finally, remember to remain focused on the long-term objectives as often short-term volatility provides good opportunities for future wealth growth.
Modoras remain committed for your financial confidence, if you have questions or are not sure what action to take during times of market volatility, please contact a Modoras Planner on 1300 888 803.
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