Modoras Director David Armstrong joins The Acuity Magazine to discuss responsible investing

Modoras Director David Armstrong, together with Acuity Magazine’s Ben Falkenmire, Pendal Group’s Richard Brandweiner, JBWere’s Angela Manning and Karen McWiliams from CA ANZ discussed about the recent trend, responsible investing, with investments in sustainable assets globally up to 96% in 2020 from 2019 in a business article ‘The rise of responsibly investing’.
In the discussion, David, Ben, Richard, Angela and Karen shared their insights on ethical investing, connecting client values with investments and how EU is leading the push towards auditing and reporting standards for sustainability. David also shared his insights on ESG investments, differences in financial decision-making by the younger generation versus the baby-boomer clients and greenwashing.
Should you be interested in conducting an interview, sourcing high-resolution images, quotes, or require any additional information please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.
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