How to Increase Retirement Savings

To realise one’s lifestyle potential, it’s important to get started on building a healthy nest egg. Learn how to increase retirement savings with the following tips.
It’s possible to enjoy the lifestyle one has envisioned and live comfortably in old age–by taking the steps to increase retirement savings.
Despite concerns of many about not having enough money to tide them over for life, a Grattan Institute study that retirees will be able to live comfortably–meaning they will have plenty of money–once they leave the workforce. These individuals may experience a comfortable retirement lifestyle thanks to a combination of mandated super contributions, non-super savings, and the Age Pension. They can expect at least 91% of their pre-retirement income.
Today’s lifestyle will dictate tomorrow’s retirement
For individuals planning to retire early or are currently trying to catch up, one thing’s for certain: the quality of retirement will depend on the quality of lifestyle.
How much one spends today–and expect to spend in the future–will determine how much one has to save to prepare for the best life possible.
Retiring with a healthy nest egg starts with enhancing your money habits today.
How to boost retirement savings
Claim a tax deduction
Super contributions taken from after-tax income are tax deductible. Individuals can claim for this which means it’s possible to reduce taxable income for the financial year and potentially pay less tax.
Sacrifice part of your salary
Salary sacrificing can be a tax-effective way to grow your super. Employees may arrange for their employer to allocate a portion of pre-tax income to a super fund. By ‘sacrificing’ part of the salary one potentially pays less tax than if they’d received it as a take-home pay.
Make personal contributions
What’s left from after-tax income can be poured into a retirement fund. This personal contribution allows individuals to benefit from the low tax rate which may be lower than what one would have to pay if you put the money in investments other than super.
Before making personal contributions, remember that since it’s considered non-concessional, it must not exceed the cap ($100,000 to $300,000 in 2018/19) because there may be penalties to pay.
Get a Federal top-up
For low-income earners—those making less than $52,697 in the 2018/2019 financial year, the Government may provide co-contributions as much as $500. The maximum amount is only available if one contributes $1,000 and does not earn more than $37,697 per annum.
Reduce tax by contributing to spouse’s super
A tax offset is available for individuals who make after-tax contributions to their spouse’s fund. This applies to those whose spouse is unemployed or earns less than $37,000 or less per annum.
Making the right financial decisions will be vital in having peace of mind during retirement. But while many are hoping to retire early and enjoy the fruits of their labour, not a lot of people are taking the right steps. But for those that do, millennials for example, these 4 things have been effective in helping boost their retirement funds:
- Having a savings account
- Little to no credit card debt
- Using windfall to pay off debt or save
- Putting more income toward retirement
Are you on track to retire when you want to?
Working alongside a professional financial planner will help you make the most out of your super contributions.
Find out more ways to boost your retirement nest egg by talking to us. Schedule a consult here.
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