Does the Holiday Season Have You Thinking Of Slowing Down?

The holiday season can provide some much-needed time for rest and recuperation, as well as time to re-evaluate what’s important to you and what you want to focus on in the New Year.
If you’re considering retirement in the near future, you may have several questions such as how much will you need to save, what are good methods to save, when is an ideal time, and can you achieve your lifestyle potential.
How you fund your retirement income could come from many different places such as super, investments outside super, age pension, reverse mortgages, selling the family home or working part-time. Income sources can have an impact on any Centerelink entitlement, for example working part-time may affect payments received.
The first step in preparing for retirement is understanding your current financial position. A great place to start can be documenting assets and their values including super and liabilities. Thinking about what retirement expenditure requirements may be can also be a great place to start.
The first step in preparing for retirement is understanding your current financial position.
Check out our tips to increase your retirement savings.
Do you have questions on how to make the most of your retirement nest egg? A Modoras Executive Planner could help make the transition as easy as possible.
RELATED POST: 14 Ways to Downsizing your home to Boost your Retirement Savings
Speak to a Modoras Professional in a complimentary appointment by clicking here, or contact us on 1300 888 803.
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