Business Tip: Procrastination and Clutter

Procrastination – your enemy!
The hardest part of doing anything, particularly something new is actually getting started. Where do you begin? Many people I know talk about writing a book, but never actually do it. The key is to start. Start anywhere, just start. The same applies to anything you do, the dishes, the bike ride, the business plan. The greatest amount of time is spent on the pre-dawn chatter rather than the action itself.
The thing that often holds you back is the mental dialogue that goes on in your mind. Maybe this, maybe that. When you actually start the mental chatter goes away. You now focus on the task. So the answer to procrastination is often not to think about things, just start some action, a doing function. I find this works well, particularly with something I am not sure about.
Removing Clutter
It is important to have a clear focus on your work and what you need to do. To do this you must remove cutter. By clutter I mean all those superfluous things that are hanging around that seem to take your focus away from the things that are important. Most people that know me know that I am a tidy person. I like order. Not because I am a tidy freak, but because I do so many things that I could never be on top of everything if I did not have order.
By removing clutter I remove everything that is not relevant to the task at hand. It may come as a surprise but many years ago filing cabinets were invented. Computers have directory structures to store like data. But many people still have files everywhere, can’t find saved documents and spend more time stressing than actually doing the job. I once knew a client that had a desk so cluttered that her work area was on top of files. She said she knew where every piece of paper was. Imagine carrying around all that information in your mind. Why not focus on more important things. Like getting more customers advertising, planning.
You always feel good when you do a cleanup. But more importantly, it leaves you free to focus on moving forward rather than being focused on the past (files).
Being Organised
If you are constantly late keeping others waiting then you need to get organised. Having people wait for you implies that you do not value their time. In respect of family it also implies that they come second. The answer is to get organised. Use a diary. Don’t have unrealistic expectations of how long it takes to do something. Allow sufficient time to travel between appointments. Show that you care and are not being selfish. If you find that for some unexpected reason you are running late, have the courtesy to ring ahead and apologise. This lets your appointment know and removes the mystery associated with being late. Show good manners.
In Freemasonry one of the working tools of an entered apprentice freemason is the 24-inch gauge. This is to remind us that the day is divided into twenty-four parts and to so apportion our time according to necessary refreshment, rest and the legitimate occupations of life, and not to cause us to neglect any part thereof.
Hence all aspects of life need to be given attention. A person needs balance in their life and a correct apportionment and prioritising of their time.
Why should I have a Business Plans?
When you get the idea to go for a holiday, you do a plan. When you started your business, you had a plan, didn’t you? Did I hear you say you haven’t. Why not? There is a saying, those who fail to plan, plan to fail. How can you run a business without a firm idea of the direction you want it to head, or what you want to achieve? It may sound simplistic but it’s so vital. Maybe this is part of the reason most businesses either fail, or fail to achieve for the owner anything like the financial return they want.
A business plan sets the direction of the business, the goals, and how you will get there. It is how you focus to achieve the results you want for your business.
The main problem is that business owners let the day-to-day issues take over. They never sit back and plan.
What will make a business plan effective and used is its relevance to the day to day, and its simplicity. Here are some tips on putting together a simple, and useable plan.
- What is your vision; where is your business going?
- What are your business ethics and values; this is how you focus your marketing to differentiate you from the others.
- Have a clear view of your market, and who your ideal customer is.
- Describe how you operate.
- Write your goals: and break these goals down into monthly or weekly targets, and check.
- And lastly make a list of business improvement ideas that come to you, and then focus some time each week on continuous small improvements, and the big goals will result.
At home, I have a vision board on my bedroom wall. It’s a clear picture of where every aspect of my life is heading. I am in control of my life, not my bank, clients or creditors. Without fail, every item on the board happens, and usually in less time than planned. Do you have a vision of what you want?
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