ATO to target ‘wash sales’ this Tax Time

The ATO is warning taxpayers to not engage in ‘asset wash sales’ to artificially increase their losses to reduce gains (or expected gains). Wash sales are a form of tax avoidance that the ATO is focussed on this tax time.
Wash sales typically involve the disposal of assets (e.g., cryptocurrency and shares) just before the end of the financial year, where after a short period of time, the taxpayer reacquires the same or substantially similar assets. Such sales are usually done to create a loss to be offset against a gain already derived, or expected to be derived, in certain circumstances, in a tax return.
The ATO’s sophisticated data analytics can identify wash sales through access to data from share registries and crypto asset exchanges. When the ATO identifies this behaviour, the capital loss is rejected, resulting in an even bigger loss to the taxpayer.
The ATO has warned taxpayers engaging in wash sales that they are at risk of facing swift compliance action and additional tax, interest and penalties may apply. Taxpayers are urged to ignore any advice encouraging a wash sale of any asset. The clear advice from the ATO is to check the ATO website or check with an independent registered tax professional and not to rely on advice received through media, social media, or advertisements.
Are You Ready for Tax Time?
With these tax tips for individuals, you now have a better understanding of how to do tax.
So gather your tax time documents and receipts, give some serious thought to the 4 steps above and book an appointment with a Modoras Accountant or call us on 1300 888 803. Tax time has never been so exciting because with planning… your lifestyle potential is just the beginning.
Want to know more?
From tax tips, checklists, fact sheets and more, click here to take a look at the Modoras Tax Time Strategies page.
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